Meet 35mm Szn.

The 35mm Szn story is all things girly!

Discover 35mm Szn Skincare Must-Haves!

35mm Szn must-haves is access unlimited, transformative skincare treatments without a clinical visit. LED therapy and microcurrent is a completely natural, non-invasive treatment, painless and safe for all skin types. It does not contain any harmful UV wavelengths; it does not create heat or thermally damage the skin - which is one of our favorite things. 35mm Szn Skin wants to make beauty and self-care accessible for all.
It does not contain any harmful UV wavelengths; it does not create heat or thermally damage the skin - which is one of our favorite things.

35mm Szn Must-Haves was made so that nobody should spend hours on skincare that doesn’t work. In just 10 minutes a day, we aim to help customers achieve their best skin results at-home, leading to smoother, healthier, more naturally radiant skin.

With love

Discover the 35mm Szn Film Camera!

In the era of "fast photography," our carefully thought-out, repeat-use cameras are bringing back the appeal and usability of film. Our brand is focused on meaningful experiences and slow consumption; using our products should be simple enough for anyone to pick up within minutes. We think that filming can be a fun and smart approach to gather memories, and it doesn't have to be something exclusive, hard, or expensive.